
In this blog I will talk about one element which is Arsenic. This element has been known since a lot of centuries ago and the credit from the discovery of that element was given to Albertos Magnus. There are two forms of Arcenic the yellow form and gray form (people are more familiarized with gray form). The gray form has two physical traits which are crystalline and brittle, and also it is also semi-metallic. When a lot of people hear the word Arsenic they instantly think of poison because when Arsenic is a high concetration it can kill you instantly. Also that when Arsenic is in a very small amount, it can poison you in many years. This element can be found at the fourth row at the table of elements. Arsenic is used in a lot of things wich also are very common, some of these are:

Fireworks: Arsenic is found on fireworks or pyrotechnics, and it use to add color.

Lasers: it is used in some lasers, and it is there because it can be charged so that then it can release the light wich is the laser.

Minerals: Arsenic is allways around us but we can´t see it because it is not in a pure form. Besides minerals Arsenic is also found on a lot of rocks. Orpiment is the molecule arsenic sulfide.

Poisons: Poisons are one of the most common things in which you can find Arsenic. This element can kill almost every living organism. More specifically you can find it in rat poison, insecticides, and it has been used to kill some people. It doesn´t matter if it is a samll amount it is very dangerous.

I hope you liked my blog and that you learn more about Arsenic.

Interview to James Chadwick

Gooooood morning ladies and gentleman and welcome to our daily show “Let´s go to the future”with the best host Jorge Toruño. In this episode the traveler to the future was James Chadwick!

Jorge: Good morning, thank you for traveling to the future to answer the questions that we have.

James: Sure it is a pleasure.

Jorge: Okay let´s begin. The first question is when and where were you born?

James: I was born in Bollington,Cheshire, United Kingdom on the 20th of October of 1891.

Jorge: What did you study? What is your profession?

James: I studied physics and I was the head of the British team that worked on a project in WW2 named Manhattan.

Jorge: Wow nice! The next question is what scientists have influenced your research and how have they influenced it?

James: I was the assistant of Ernest Rutherfors so basically he began showing me things that later I could improve. So I continued to study the atomic nucleus.

Jorge: Well I didn`t knew that and that has a lot of sense. Next, what was your contribution to the study of the atom?

James: My contribution to the study of the atoms is that I discoverede a very important part of the atom which is the neutron.

Jorge: WOW thank you for that. So ow did you come up with this idea?

James: I came up with this idea becuase I knew that the particles with no charge could be in the nucleus. So then after a lot of unsuccesful attempts I could found the neutron. So now i tell every people that are watching this interview to always try becuase at the end something will happen.

Jorge: that is very interesting, and thankyou for your advice. And the final question is what else would you like to know about the atom? Why?

James: Oh, one thing that I would ike to know about the atom is well practically nothing because I knew a lot of things but what was my biggest question was the neutron but later  on I discovered it.

Jorge: Okay  thankyou for your visit I`m sure that everybody liked it.

James: Sure it is a pleasure.

Jorge: Let`s give a round of applause to Sir James Chadwick. Thankyou and know you can return to the past. THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!

(a lot of clapping)

James: Sure, call me whenever you need it.

My performance

1. What were your strengths in the course? Describe them.

My strenght on this period was that I always tried to do my best on every thing that I did even though I dindn´t got what I wanted in every single thing I worked on. I also think that one of my strenghts was that I did every homework.

2. What were your weaknesses? Describe them.

My main weakness in every period not just in this one was that science has always been difficult to me, and because I have had a lot of pression in every class I can´t study a lot just in this class. My weakness for science is that for this class I´m not very smart and I have a lot of pressure inside it. Even thought I try to take all the good notes I can it is very difficult to me to do the tests.

3. How can you improve those weaknesses?

I can improve this weakness by making more time outside of school to prepare myself for other classes so that next I can have more time to study even more for science. I can also study more before the tests so that I could have a better performance.

4. What activity from the third period did you enjoy doing the most? Why?

The activity that I enjoyed the most was the blogs that we made because I could study there and there were also entertained.

5. Do you like working better individually, in pairs, or in groups? Why?

I liked working a lot in groups because I´m working and also entertained myself but every time that I work in groups I make almost all of the work and in the final the grade is for all of us, so for my friends is a gift. Also that when I work in groups someone says to me that he will finish something in his house but he doesn´t so my grade is affected, and at the final he says that he worked and everything when he didn´t. So wotking individuall is good because I depend on my self.

6. Describe how well you worked on the final project. How did you work as a group? How much did you contribute to the final product?

In the final project personally I worked very good because I worked on what I had to and even more. In my group we were separeted and just two of us became a single group. One of the new group dind´t made anything until Sunday night and the day that he told me he would work on something in his house, he dindn´t so I think my grade got very affected.

7. How do you think the discipline of the class can improve?

I think the discipline of the class can improve by telling all the calss that the teachers have a very higher spot than us so we don´t have to think that we are superior than them. Also to tell everyone to show respect by not talking to someone when the teacher is talking, and also to show respect in every single thing.

Marine Geology

Marine geology is a study that bases the researches on the structure and history of the ocena floor. It also studies the costal zone. Marine goelogy is very similar to physical ocenagrophy. This study also provides evidence for sea floor spreading. The sea floor spreading is when new ocean crust is created. Then the slabs of the Earth Crust split from each other and magma wells up to fill the gap. All of the deep ocean floor is on of the most important places that hasn´t been study. About 60 millions of years ago a comet landed ona shallow part of the ocean which caused different things to happen. It made a huge crater that is 165 kilometers long. Now a days this crater can not be seen very clearly because it is below of hundreds of marines sediments. Underwater faults are very difficuult to see but they can be found. A group of scientist found a fault near the coast of Southern California in a region called  San Diego Trough Fault Zone. The San Diego Trough Fault Zone is located from th Mexican border to Catalina Island. The scientists found  that the falut had shifted the seafloor 18 meters, to found out the lenght they measured the thickness of the muddy layers of sediments.

My performance

During the first period of Science I feel I did well but I could do it better. I think that my strenght during the first period was that I payed a lot of attention during clas although I could´ve pay more attention, also that I really was interested in the topics. I think that my weakness was that I could have studied more than what I did. For me the simplest topic was the one about the converstions. And the hardest for me was the one of all the things about biosphere, geosphere, etc…  I think that my behavior in the class wasn´t very good because I talked a little bit. I think that this type of behavior did affected on the way I learned but just a little bit. I think I did participate in class but I could participate a lot more. One thing that I think I did very well was that I did completed all the assigned works. For the final test I really studied because I´m very very nervous with all the things related to school so I thought that I will do bad. I think individually I worked well, in the group work I also worked vey well but I didn´t liked it a lot becuase I worked a lot and the rest of my teammates didn´t and then if something went wrong it was fault so I don´t like that my friends don´t work and then the note is for everyone, so for me that is unfair. For the second period I will study more for my tests, I will talk less, and also I will concentrate more in class.

interesting fact about mount everest

Everyone surely know something about Mount Everest like it is the highest mountain or something like that but Im sure that almost every people dont know some of this facts about this really really big mountain that is very difficult to get to the top. This mountain is very big but it seems that Mount Everest wantïs more and more because it grows 4mm higher every year because of geologic uplift. So this mountain will surely impress us every year more and more. The Everest is also very risky if you try to climb it, I tell this because every 1 in 10 successful summits end in death, and 4,000 people have attempt this really big challenge and not every one returned to the bottom safe and alive. The Mount Everest has a lot of years being known because on 1843 it was fined by George Everest and know that mountain is the most famous in all the world. Everyone thinks that the only thing yo die there is becuase of falling but they are incorrect becuase there yo can also die because of the black jumping spider, this spider is kind of small but lethal against humans so tou also have to take care from that spiders. In just 1 year a lot of people die but in 1996 19 people died, this year wast the one with the most percentage of desth and the second was in 2012 were 14 people died. The first person to conquer Mount Everest was Sir Edmund Hilary on May 19 1953. Its current height is 29,035 feet. This are some of the really interesting things that Mount Everest has and thats why I chose this as an interesting fact. Continue reading interesting fact about mount everest

Soccer measurments

Soccer has a lot of things that can be measured like the goal the area and the lenght. The measure between one cornerkick to the other is from 50 to 100 yards but thats not the longest that soccer has because if you measure from one goal to the other you have a lenght of 100 to 130 yards and thats the largest on soccer. The goal has a length of 7.32 and a height of 2.44 meters. From the goal to the penalty point you have 12 yards and from the penalty point to the half moon you have a length of 10 yards. The penalty area has a length of 44 yards. The height of the goal box is 18 yards so its bigger the length  than the height. The small area has a length of 6 yards. From the center of the field where all the emotion of the game starts to the border of the circle in the middle of the field you have just 10 yards. The length of the small box is 20 yards. So with this information you can figure out that the largest measurment of soccer is the length from one goal to the other one  that is from 100 to 130 yards and the smallest is the length of the small box that is 6 yards. So this are all the measurments that soccer can have.